Camera World
We can view any part of the World with the help
of cameras.

Savage Earth „The wild world”

National Parks

Geography Humor Humour on geography.

Poems on geography.

Website of Barnaby Bear

Electronic passport of Mr. Dowling

Peace Corps: Kids World

The GeoNet Game

Cam World Around the world with a camera.

Walking and mountain climbing.

WhaleNet This website focuses on whales
and sea research.

Miss Maggie A multimedia software for
teachers and children.

Barnaby Bear's journey around the world.

Flag it Up Flags of each
country of the world.

GeoWeb TV

Geographical mysteries

Degree confluence project
A visit to the meeting point of the whole number latitudes and longitudes.

Sounds of mountains.
Interview with highland people.

One World Journeys
Travel around the world.

Cultural diversity all over the world.


The CIA’s website for children.

Living science

Website of Discovery Channel.

Ollie's club