Methodological reference aid
for the practising geography teachers and students |
Repeta Junior Geography 7th grade
Repeta Junior Geography 8th grade
Repeta Geography Summary, Graduation preparatory
Small encyclopedia of Natural knowledge
National parks of Hungary I. |
National parks of Hungary II.

Offer of the CD-ROM related to geography
BRITANICA HUNGARICA World encyclopedia
2005 |
Süni School – Travel around
the world with Süni
What maps tell about
Author: Klinghammer István, Mosonyi László, Török Zsolt |
Regional geography of Europe
ELTE Multimedia Studio
(Natural science / Geography entry)
Europe from continent to
continent series
Afirca from continent to
continent series
Australia from continent to
continent series
Asia from continent to
continent series
South-America from
continent to continent series
Travelling int he Solar system
Travelling through the stars
Infoming CD on Mexico
Infoming CD on Burma
National parks of the
United State
CD, DVD, and video offer of
the SG Bt. Educational –
video publisher
Mountains and the process of
their formation |
Studio-educational softwares for Geography subject of Mikrosuli

Educational softwares, Atlases, maps by
Digitálmedia Hungary Kft.

CD database of the Student Information
Centre of Kemplen Farkas University
The Berzsenyi Dániel Library’s Geography,
Homeland knowledge, Tourism CD database

Geography, travelling, homeland knowledge CD
Geographical Interrogator 1.
(for ages 14 – 15) General
natural geography.
Geographical Interrogator 2.
(for ages 11 – 12) Geography
of Africa, Australia, America,
Asia |
Geographical Interrogator 3.
(for ages 12 – 13) Europe
and Russia
Geographical Interrogator 4.
(for ages 13 – 14) Natural
and economical geography
of Hungary. |
CD, DVD, and video offer of
the Study Guard Bt.
Educational – video publisher . Astronomy. |
CD, DVD, and video offer of
the Study Guard Bt.
Educational – video publisher . South Asia |
CD-ROM, DVD és videofilm kínálata. Délkelet-Ázsia CD, DVD, and video offer of
the Study Guard Bt.
Educational – video publisher . Astronomy. |
Study Guard Bt. Oktató – videofilm kiadó CD-ROM, DVD és videofilm kínálata Éghajlatok, tájak, élőlények CD, DVD, and video offer of
the Study Guard Bt.
Educational – video publisher . Astronomy. |
Study Guard Bt. Oktató – videofilm kiadó CD-ROM, DVD és videofilm kínálata Közlel-Kelet és Közép-ÁzsiaCD, DVD, and video offer of
the Study Guard Bt.
Educational – video publisher . Astronomy. |
Study Guard Bt. Oktató – videofilm kiadó CD-ROM, DVD és videofilm kínálata Folyók – a Föld tájainak formálói CD, DVD, and video offer of
the Study Guard Bt.
Educational – video publisher . Astronomy. |
Study Guard Bt. Oktató – videofilm kiadó CD-ROM, DVD és videofilm kínálata Célállomás: a Mars CD, DVD, and video offer of
the Study Guard Bt.
Educational – video publisher . Astronomy. |
Study Guard Bt. Oktató – videofilm kiadó CD-ROM, DVD és videofilm kínálata Az Atlanti-óceán élővilága CD, DVD, and video offer of
the Study Guard Bt.
Educational – video publisher . Astronomy. |
Study Guard Bt. Oktató – videofilm kiadó CD-ROM, DVD és videofilm kínálata Kis magyar éghajlattan CD, DVD, and video offer of
the Study Guard Bt.
Educational – video publisher . Astronomy. |