National Geographic
Interactive Journal

National Geographic Adventure.

A magazine for people with lively fantasy,
and who like outdoor sports, and travel to
the wild parts of our planet.

National Geographic Traveler.

Magazine for active and curious travellers

National Geographic Magazine for children.

An interactive magazine which helps children
to explore the animals, the natural sciences, the technologies, the current events and the
cultures in the world.

Geographical. Magazine of the Royal
Geographical Society – UK. Excitingly and
richly illustrated articles pf geographical places,
people, cultures, adventures, journeys, history, science…etc

Africa Geographic Online
. Unveils the secrets
of the rainforests, deserts,
savanna and the magnificent landscapes of Africa. It presents
the mysteries of the fauna’s life.

ASIAN GEOgraphic Magazine Asia without limits. It shows
reality with beautiful pictures. The Asians lifestyle and the traditions are shown to us immpressively, from a unique perspective.

GeoWorld Magazine

One of the most read,
normative and competitive publication. It provides up-to-date, important and
useful information.

GEO Magazine


Earth, Energy and
environmental news

Geoligical Journal

It represents the different
branches of geography (sedimentology, geomorphology,
paleontology, geophysics…etc) through articles and
reviews on researches.

The Virtual Explorer

Online journal on
Earth sciences.